Shop our range of absolutely drooling delicious treats that are specially crafted for dogs and cats, human tested and homemade!


Cat Treats - Lamb

CHIPS Beef & Apple

CHIPS Beef & Sardine
I use medicinal mushrooms that provide a wide range of health benefits for dogs that support and maintain physical, neurological, immune system and provide anti-inflammatory benefits for joint pain. Other ingredients I favour are hemp seed, hemp protein and flours as the hemp products provide the perfect balance of the omegas that support healthy skin, fur and overall health.
With Love,
Jo Rugless
Founded and Owner
Our Point of Difference
and most importantly it's...

What Our Customers Say...
- "Your Treats are superior to others, they are all natural with no artificial anything."
- "My dog will only eat your treats."
- "My cat loves your cat treats and knocks the bag of the bench with the hope some will fall out."
- "My dog does tricks without command for your treats."
- "My dog doesn’t normally like treats, but he seems to love the beef & berrie."
- "It is so good see healthy treats and Tucker Toppers that have healthy ingredients, I’m always on the look out for additional healthy foods for my pets and you’ve got them. Do you have a website? 😊"
- "The Tucker Topper are great, my dog loves. Their fur is softer and grows faster."
- "My dog has epilepsy and the Topper Tucker has made it so much easier when giving medication, he just licks up, loves it."
We Love
Our Fur Babies

I started making our dog treats at home, wanting to better support my four-legged family members with healthier treats. After making my dog treats for over a year, I got more interested in adding health benefits to treats, so they’re not just jerky. I did some research, explored fruits for pets, hemp for pets, mushrooms for pets, organ protein for pets and played around with recipes, creating different types of treats. Over time my treats changed and products change, these changes were also influenced by feedback from customers at the local markets.
My career in community service was changing due to all the health issues the world is experiencing and I decided to get serious with dog treats. I’ve always had an interest in medicinal herbs and spices and would spend hours in a health food shop looking at all the knowledge on the shelves that I don’t have.
My kids have all grown up and as part of cleaning out the house I headed to the local market to sell miscellaneous gadgets, old footy boots, CD’s, books, sporting equipment and household whatnots. I decided to throw in a few of the treats for dogs that I made, and they sold out every time. It was put to me by another stall holder that I should focus only on dog treats – a very scary idea I thought, but I took the plunge and did a Christmas market in 2019, with just my treats. I sold a few treats, with my mother in-law being my biggest customer with her purchases being three quarters of my takings. After that market I thought it was time to get serious. I researched the pet industry for treats and learnt that I couldn’t make fancy biscuits, but I could make treats that focused on health.. I discovered hemp and mushrooms were superfoods that are not only good for people but also a great superfood for pets.
Our Values
The Pup Hub Cafe has two dogs Indi, a 6-year-old Shar Pei and Tess a 3-year-old kelpie X who is a rescue dog and shares their pets values. Their values are expressed all the time, daily in fact, their values are on show when you arrive home, hanging out at home, waking up face to face to your pet, following you to all amenities within your home, along with barking at the neighbourhood expressing loyalty, love and devotion.
The Pup Hub Cafes cats’ values match the dogs, except with a meow and the freedom to go over the fence. The Pup Hub Cafes values are in line with their pets. Products are made in reflection and recognition of our dogs and cats values: loyalty, love and devotion.
Contact Us
Contact Jo direct at or call at 0439649469